Hahahahahahhaha! Fucking brilliant! Nice one mate! You gonna be driving that to Cali? Bet that'll be brilliant! Shit man you should bring that out some time, i wann see it in the metal. All of a sudden did losing the RS become a little bit easier?
I'll probably trailer it out there. I'll try to bring it out to a meet. Mostly stock. It's got a stealthback exhaust, K&N filter, and a larger rear swaybar. Kind of strange since I've owned a Subaru since I was 16 (I'm 23 now). I dunno the STi just feels too heavy for me, the EVO is more like a faster sharper GC. So I'm happy.
very sexy car man. cant say i dont like evos even though i drive a suby, if i got accepted to tech i might have been driving an evo right now lol.
doin arite g, jus having a laugh up in atlanta and enjoying christmas keep it safe mate and i'll see you soon
oo very nice.. u mind if i ask....how much u bought itfor?? and whats the mileage.... bc i was car searching alot for an evo before i bought my car...