Here is the latest. I am about 3/4 of the way through. Next is the wiring harnesses. Foot box and steering rack. I have not adjusted the pedals yet Master cylinders and remote resevoirs You can see some of the fuel system here Dan
It's been challenging but rewarding. Most of it is straight forward but every now and then you get a what in the hell moment while reading the manual. Luckily there are alot of guys I can call up for help and we have a great owners forum for the cars. There is alot of satisfaction in knowing I built all this. (pride mostly, I try not to let that go to my head too much lol) I have had to learn how to fabricate alot of small things. Nothing major, but little things. Tons of test fitting stuff and sometimes just redoing things cause I didn't like the way it looked. I will say it has turned out to be more expensive than I thought. The kit is pretty complete, but I have to run to the store alot for little things for the motor accessories. The paint and body work is going to cost me about $6k. That's one thing I just do not want to take the time to do. I am pretty sure it is going to be titanium silver with a black stripe. But it does change from day to day.
Dan, that car is sooooo awesome....It must be very tough to do this on your own....It seems like it is coming along very well though. Mark
It is alot of fun and a challenge. There are sometimes I think, ok how in the world do I do this part and i just plug along an it works out. It's def been fun
It will be quite the beast when you are completed...How is everything going out in KS by the way?. Mark
Yes I have the body sitting on a body buck. I am not going to do that part of it myself. Just way too much work involved there. Not to mention the mess in the garage. I have a painter lined up. I hope to be able to have it to him in the next 3 weeks or so. It's going to take the painter 2 months to complete and about 6k from me. Kansas is great, but pretty darn cold right now lol. We just had an ice storm. Thank good ness I still have one subaru to drive around in
Here are some more pics. You can see the bracket I made for the ecu and some of the wiring that is done. If it is loomed then it is done IF it is hanging all over the place it's not lol. You can see alot more pics at Just ignore the pics with the family and me with the cheerleaders
^^Me Too!! Good luck on everything keep up the good work!! I was up there right after that storm came through was stuck in wy. for three days.
Yeah the snow and cold weather here has kept me from starting the car. I should have it started this weekend and the body on it next week then off to the painters. I came up with a new paint scheme. I won't say what it is. But it is going to rock!
Cherry blossom red flames! I knew it! Haha, seriously though, I cannot wait to see the final product. This car si going to be tits.