Turn on Speed, one of our members is leading their class at 24 Hours of Daytona. KINGLEH is Leh Keen, he is driving the number 85 Porsche for Farnbacher Loles Motorsports. Big congrats to Leh for an outstanding performance so far, cheers to a class win. Matt
They had some mechanical issues, some type of oil problem, I'm not sure exactly what the deal was. Matt
their motor blew up in the pits, at least that's the impression i got when the team captain said they'd have to send the motor back to porsche to figure out what the catastrophic failure was
They had been having issues for a while, they knew something bad was going on they just couldnt pin point what it was.
yeah, it was a heartbreaker. However, it looks like he'll be on a top-notch team this season for a change.