BLUE STi @ Bestbuy in Kennesaw

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Jake, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    As stated in title. I was leaving work (had just had my schedule adjusted) when i saw a WRB STi (looked to be bone stock) pulling into the parking lot. I was tempted to wave and then remembered I still don't have my car back yet, :crying:
    anyways, always good to see fellow impreza's rolling thru K-town...
  2. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    unfortunately we only have like 5 members in kennesaw. there are many subies up here though. maybe it was flip.
  3. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    maybe just curious. on the way home from there i saw another '02-'03 PSM bugeye at the goodyear tire off of busbee and wade green.
  4. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    There are a lot of WRXs up on the northside. I hardly ever see other WRXs on the southside, and even rarer if I happen to be driving my car.
  5. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    my friend (airmax95) lives on the southside (college park) and commutes to alpharetta everyday. so thats at least 1 other southside suby.
  6. TheRex

    TheRex Member

    i was at best buy on the 25th. i don't have an STi though, just a blue bugeye with STi wing, sure it wasn't me?
  7. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    positive, it was an 04-05. probly flip, now that i met him.

    in fact i think i saw him again today on barrett.
  8. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    TheRex, i saw u today! that was me that waved to you on Wade Green!
  9. flip

    flip Member

    May have been me... I was probly at the pet store gettin doggy food :). From the outside i look pretty much stock cept for lowering, decals and exhaust... sometimes the decals are hard to see tho...

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