Hey All, You all know the deal, 6 students, 9 hours on the track, 3 instructors, lead-follow laps, ride-along, in-car instruction, classroom instruction, skidpad time, pics, video, lunch, and of course, T-shirts. PLEASE, if you are interested post, call or-e-mail ASAP. We will need to book these soon while they're available. As always if anybody has any questions, please do not hesitate to call, Scott 1) 04 STi Liana 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Yep. We were concerned about people calling them Siegel Racing DIC's, so we made it Siegel Racing DEC's SS
so i guess E = education? either case, the name sounds too tame... if u ever change the name again u could use SBTTWS = siegel's balls to the walls school ... cuz thats how i was driving last time i was there
School Scott, I'm interested, but probably could not make either the 19th or 30th. Can I have your email address to discuss this further? Or, you can write me at: gt9729b@hotmail.com Thanks.
Yep, Siegel Racing Driver Education Clinic, SRDEC's. Please feel free to e-mail or call with any questions, Scott siegelracing@hotmail.com 404-388-8751
For insurance and appeasing the track owner purposes there can be no more spectators. It will also reduce distractions to the paying students. I can take one assistant who will get to ride along some, and MAY get some free track time. Of course if we don't get some people signed up... SS