This is truly asinine. Kennesaw police officer Richard Perrone was allegedly caught driving over 17 mph over teh posted speed limit through a neighborhood, by a couple equipped with a radar gun and photo equipment. After contacting authorities about this matter the couple was notified that they would have charges pressed against them for stalking. :eek3: I don't see how citizens clocking and taking pictures of speeders out in public view could warrant stalking charges. Feel free to forward this message to other boards. Story link:
the "authority" who contacted them with "charges" threat is an idiot. they will never win that in court. the couple are just as idiotic for thinking that tagging a cop speeding would result in anything other than a delayed response time next time they need a cop.
That cop is POS, he probably takes bribes, lets prostitutes off for a BJ, etc...I will follow this and hopefully the oinker looses his job.
Dude that reminds me of a cop in one of my friends neighborhoods. On Friday and Saturday nights he is always patrolling around (there always seem to be parties around). Well one time we saw him go by at a pretty good clip without his lights on, I guess trying to be sneaky or something. But yeah stalking? Super gay.
I read about this in the paper when it happened. It does reflect poorly on the dept when this kind of thing happens. Like someone else said, we'll see how this turns out. I think the cop should get a speeding ticket and given a reprimand for abusing the system to intimidate citizens.
Thanks. I hope it's just him and that he'll stop that junk after this. I would forward this to one of my cop boards but it would probably just get totally picked apart, in kind of the opposite way that you guys might do it.
^^^ I'd be interested in how other cops might defend his side. Update: He dropped the stalking charge but has hired a lawyer. Looks like he might just sue instead.
i'm waiting for bluelinescooby to jive in on this. i'm curious on this thoughts since he's a gwinnett officer. but, any organization police, military, etc will have that small % of folks that abuse their authority...when i say small % i mean like micro small. hell, as a ssgt in the air force...i see it too. just gotta catch them, and put them in their place.
That's ridiculous. And those parents are crazy, $1200 for cameras? I am all for driving safely but people like this are insane. And setting cameras up at the bottom of the hill is bs, everyone will be speeding.
Well ok, if I must...... I actually don't have that much to say because I haven't read the whole article and I don't feel like I know enough about the situation to throw my opinions around...... plus I'm hesitant to trust anything the media says. Does anyone know the full story? There's no telling. I will say this however, the couple who started this crusade could've taken a better approach. Generally if you want to slow speeders down in a neighborhood you get the community to petition the DOT to put in those nasty little speed bumps. Very effective and not really that expensive. Instead, they came probably $2000 out of pocket for a radar and cameras, which will likely net them no positive return at all, as he had stated in the news article. Even if the officer does receive disciplinary action, the couple is still left with their original problem. But at least it bought them some publicity I guess.....
It sounds like that couple had nothing better to do... Too much time on their hands to say the least...Great idea about speed bumps...That is what my old apt. complex installed to help cut down the speeding problem within the complex at AMLI. Mark
Yeah, speed bumps would've been all they needed. One might even do it.... I guess people will always hate on authority though. Sometimes it's hard not to.