dude i saw your car at i-hop down in buckhead at 4pm, yesterday. i know that was you! car looks sexy as hell in the day man. I had gone to Wendy's right next door with my cousin and was heading back to work and saw your bug eye. And today i saw EjRex... it was nice to meet you man. My new tails look sweet, and when you were rolling out your car looks alot better with your new 06 tails. Hope to you see you around in the next meet. or at SOG... when ever, take it easy man. Later, Maniac.
Yeah, I'm lovin those tails... been wanting a set for a while now. Next time I'm at SOG (which should be soon- getting tuned for methanol- 350whp here I come) I'll let you know.
yeah dude.... im am as well. And you have my number and i have yours. just hit me up anytime you're around my area. Later, Maniac.