So I got a ticket, of the non-moving violation kind. but I still want it to go away because it can still end up on my record, right? I tried google searching but my computer hates google for some strange reason today.
typically non-moving types don't show. I'm sure some of them do, but not a parking ticket or something...
i have had my ahare of tickets, both moving and non moving, i know what you mean about wanting them to go away. good luck:sx:
driving on cancel reg, the DMV deactvated both of my cars reg when I took my 86 RX off the road, and I didn't notice this until the nice LEO pulled me over and told me....I got it all fixed now, I just need to get the ticket taken care of. Milo, I'd love to talk to a lawyer, but money is kinda tight right now, so I am thinking that is out of the question.
IIRC, only moving violations go on you MVR...... equipment violations, tag and license violations, etc, don't get reported...... that said, the code section is written as "driving while registration cancelled," so I don't know if that changes things or not. If you can't do the lawyer thing, maybe just talk to the solicitor on your court date and explain the situation..... explain that it was a mix-up and that you took care of it as soon as you were made aware of the problem, and see what they can do for you. I'm sure they'd at least cut you a break, or maybe drop the ticket altogether, who knows......
Well that's entirely up to you...... maybe if you don't feel like hiring an attorney you could call one and get advice...... a professional opinion so to speak...... but I'm pretty sure it's not a moving violation.....
You should be able to explain that to them. The states are very bad at notifying people when stuff is canceled. My mom had a similar problem and she was able to just explain it and it was taken care of. I don't know Georgia's system but what normally happens is there is a form to fill out to dispute the ticket. You will have to go in front of a judge but if you have all of your documentation and tell it straight you shouldn't need a lawyer to back you up. Bring your receipt showing that you took are of things right away when you found out...that will show good faith. Good Luck