:eek4: ok so last saterday i was changing my oil and noticed a clump or something come out when the oil first started draining from the pan. well i reached into my oil drain bucket and puled out a metal shaving. the shavings looked like when you sharpen a pincil and the shavings are curly and thin. well i am guessing i have a bearing coming apart or its just casting from the block, but with around 76000 hard miles i am leaning torward the bearing coming apart. only it must be a main bearing because i dont have any knocking, that or if it is a rod bearing it hasnt gotten that bad yet. if it is a bearing then it is only a matter or time that i start having problems. the car still runs fine as for now. on the bright side when the engine decides to knock that only means its time to throw in an sti short block.:naughty:
Any CEL's for compression? This is a very serious problem. The filter should take care of most particulate, but probably not as large as you are saying. Take your car to the doctor immediately.
Was there any metal shavings on the drain plug? (we do have a magnetic drain plug right?) Odd that there is only one big piece.
Some mechanics overtighten the drain plug, so he is right, this could be from the plug. Was it ubber hard to get the bolt off the pan?
it was definately a metalic shaving. just dont know what it came from. i am a mechanic and i change my oil everytime. the only reasonable things it could be is part of a bearing that is starting to get worn out, or a piece of the block from casting. i guess it could be from something else but i really dont know what that something else could be. the car stil rund fine for now but i guess only time will tell.
It just seems odd that there is one large shaving, but no small shavings. Was your oil reflective in the sunlight? Here's hoping that its just some machined shaving that hung on until now - :sx:
drove the car to hampton this weekend and it made it and back in one peice. i drove it hard on the way home and it stil runs like a champ.