D cops are now using POP band (POOP) Was gunned on sunday coming back from airport but not busted. my Passport X50 didnt even blip. So i said what the hell is this new band the cops are using ? I found out this PM my X50 "POP" is off by default so careful outhere
i have this happen to me every morning. I also have a 8500 X50 and every morning on 316 there is at least one cop gunning and EVERY morning it never goes off even with my POP enabled. This is also after getting the radar refurbished in which it should be like new. it picks up all x and k bands, especiallt when riding around duluth and the laser goes off at every camera enforced intersection but never with gwinnett cops. Im not sure if it is because they arent pointing directly at me (even though im pretty sure they are) or what but its definitely pissin me off!
I just have the regular $120 Cobra... I know quite a few cops and I asked them, and they said that nothing has changed in quite a while.... Just for a heads up: Do not drink and drive in Forsyth (or anywhere!) DUI heat is stepping up in full force for the next 3 months beginning this weekend. If you get caught... deal with it, I won't help even though I can. You earned it.
I'm thinking of getting a V1.... I just want to know what to turn on and what to jack up. No idea what cops use around here.. Saw someone get caught by a cop, didn't even see him hiding when i first passed him.
Not a new radar band, but a "mode" on the radar gun that sends a quick radar pulse to obtain an approximate speed. Then they zap you with the full-on. "POP mode works by sending out a quick burst of pulse radar at approximately 67 milliseconds. MPH Industries admits that while in this mode, that the displayed speed of a vehicle may not be accurate. They recommend that the officer only use this mode to obtain an estimate of speed from the target vehicle, establish a vehicle tracking history, and then switch to normal mode to obtain the exact speed. " FYI, Valentine 1 owners can upgrade their current unit to include 2-band POP protection/detection.
I have the V1 with said ^ 2band pop protection... Haven't seen it in action yet though. Did save me from a lazer the other day though. Went off when they shot the cars in front of me... Slowed down to 60 and enjoyed while they aimed at me and got nothin.. I wanted to wave!!!
how do you turn the pop on with the x50? also, mine said service required one day. I turned it off, and back on and it's been working ever since. Anyone have any insight on that? Passport 8500 x50.