I was so excited to see my name at the bottom, but it's not there (I just updated my profile, I guess that might be it) Anyway, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY SS
HAHA I've only just left my "mid-twenties" to officially hit my "upper-twenties" SS buy me tools, I have a new tool box
Unfortunately, your limited experience competing in subaru products....it's not really your birthday. As many of us have already discovered, you were imported from TunAr land, and not born.
Doh didn't see this one. Well I started another thread for ya man! No sense in you starting your own! Happy bday old man! (What am I saying I'm right behind ya in years!)
happy happy joy joy - BTW - you share a birthday with my sister. Which reminds me, I need to call her. Mine is on Friday. :-D
Happy Birthday! BTW are you still going to be able to do a quick couple of pulls to see if my tune is still straight? JUST KIDDING!! ... well kind of, but seriously. I'll probably hit you up sometime in April.
Thank you all for wishing me a happy B-Day. I got to spend the day sorting a new Plug-N-Play Mega Squirt for my (soon to be VF-39 powered meth-injected) Spec Miata (that won't be Spec anymore, but it'll be more fun). buy me tools, I have a new tool box SS
I know you can beat MazdaSpeed guys on the Miata though. And Yeah I know it wasn't all about HP but still..... 170 horses from a turbocharged and intercooled 1.8!!!!!!!!!! That still pisses me off to this day. Honda was doing that with NA's!!!! I liked pretty much everything else about the car though.