High-Intensity.org v1.0 This is a new project of mine dedeicated to automotive lighting enthusiasts The idea partially came from Mokingbird's humungo thread about HID lighting, plug-and-play kits, etc. Anyways, this forum is a collaboration between Caesar (lightwerkz) and myself; I am posting this here to see if there is anyone local interested in signing up, participating and truly helping out. We'll be looking for moderators soon, so who knows Why would you want to visit High-Intensity? You are new to the idea of aftermarket lighting for your automobile or you simply just want to learn more about how exactly your headlamps work. You are extremely knowledgeable about automotive lighting and would like to share your vast wealth of knowledge. You find yourself consistently bored during work hours and are always on the prowl for some new distraction and justification for spending 5 more minutes at your computer before or during a meeting. You feel like plug-and-play kits are not the answer to your lighting problems but you aren't exactly sure why. Interested? Come check it out! http://www.high-intensity.org/forums Happy lighting, alex
ahahaha so asking questions and gathering info is always rewarding.. so i can say i am the cause for the website huh. nice. btw, i`m happy with nitro's hid kit, but sometime later i`ll end up getting projos retrofitted; i just dont have the money right now, and i needed an immediate solution to my poor vision.
Whew! For a second I thought it might be something that would actually be popular and cause this site to become second fiddle. A light forum? No worries now. Seriously, I am sure you will build the same quality and effort into that site that you have put into this one. Good luck!
We are still getting setup. We urge any of you guys that are willing to help out to join up and make some new threads or posts. If your new to the whole idea thats fine, there are alot of quality people on the site already, eager to help. Com join, stay, and hope to see you around!
any of you with diy's or how-to's, please post them up! We could use jtmoney with his eye candy hahaha