Atlanta Metro Dealers?

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by JeremyW, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Hey guys,

    I'm new to this forum and am in the process of shopping for my new STi. Anyone have any thoughts, comments, etc for buying a new STi in the Atlanta area? I went and talked to Ed Voyles and wasn't impressed in the least. To make a long story short, they tried to play the typical car dealer games that I just don't have much patience for.

    Any experiences and advice would be much appreciated.


  2. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    check classic subaru off of roswell, theyll try to play the game at first, but then all you have to do is make it obvious that you know they are bsing you...but then again i think you might want to try that at Ed Voyles.

    i got mine at classic subaru.
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I purchased my STi from Ed Voyles with no trouble what so ever, I felt the sales rep., Jeff Braun (last name spelling?) was professional and worthy of my time. I dont know who you spoke to, and if it was him, I dont see why he tried to BS you.

    If you do return and speak with Jeff, please tell him I sent you and give him my regards.
  4. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Well, the guy I spoke with at Ed Voyles was also named Jeremy (Supposedly the Internet Sales manager). It was painfully obvious that I knew more about the car than he did. I actually taught him about tire treadwear ratings while I was there. On top of that, he was actually asking me questions about the car. I just got the feeling this guy had been doing this about 2 weeks and would probably be bar-tending in another 2 weeks. Just not a very professional fellow and beyond that, he had that usual "sneaky car dealer" way about him that just made me uncomfortable.

    I'll most likely try Atlanta Classic Subaru this weekend. I'm getting the impression they have sold more than a few STi's and on top of that, supposedly, they have 5 of them in stock compared to 2 for Ed Voyles.

    I'll let you know what happens...and thanks for the advice.


  5. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    lol dude, i bought mine from Herman Jones too!

    ask for him, and hell why not tell him faysal (me) can shift fine now. (i wasnt familiar w/ driving a stick when we firts met...he actually gave me a lesson)
  6. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Buying and STi

    Ok guys,

    I went down and talked with Herman and his sales manager, Chad today. Here's the deal I got. Tell me if this is good or bad.

    STi with the mirror, alarm upgrade, armrest, wheel locks & boost guage.

    30,500 including delivery.
    143.35 Doc Fee
    396.65 Dealer Prep Fee (refunded in the price of my trade. I've never paid for a dealer prep charge in my life).
    3.00 Warranty Rights Fee

    I had to work on 'em to get this price out of what do you think...did I do alright?

    Thanks for your continued advice. I'm looking forward to meeting up with you guys sometime.

  7. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Buying an STi

    By the way...anyone out there have a Blue '04 WRX and want a STi wing? That's the one part of the car I hate and wouldn't mind getting rid of so if someone has a blue regular WRX and wants my wing, I'll trade them for a regular WRX trunk. Right now, I've got some guy in Charlotte who's willing to swap lids, but if one of you local guys want to do it, that'd be a whole lot more convienient.

    I just can't stand that huge thing...I know some folks like it, but I'm not one of them. In fact, I'll probably wind up pulling all the STi badges and stickers off it and turning it into a sleeper.


  8. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    lol i have a blue 04 wrx, but id ont need that wing imo.

    um, well about the price, you are looking at a 31k driveout....right? thats about msrp. (not including all the fees)- now walk in there and say bring the price down ( price here ) and i will buy it right here, right now.

    the price here part, i wouldnt try to take it any more than 1k below... 500 i think would be possible. when herman gives you that look at the invoice we're losing money if we sell it like that, tell him, well thats the only price i am willing to buy it at.

    a 31k driveout is still a nice price on an STi.
  9. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Bought it!


    Actually, MSRP was $32,600 and change. At least that was what was on the sticker anyway. I got it for roughly $750 over invoice. We did the deal this afternoon. I'm now the proud owner of a blue STi. Drove it over to tucker this evening to go bowling and put about 100 miles on it already. I love it.

    Anyhow, I feel like I got a good deal on it. Drive out...including taxes, tags, fees and everything was close to what the original sticker said.

    I ALREADY had a few cars pull up and try to race me tonight. I was headed home with my wife this evening and had a kid in some honda pull up on my left and an old late 80's GT Mustang on my the same time. They both kept leaping forward trying to provoke me, but I didn't bite. Then, about 2 mins later, an Evo 8 came up on my left full of teenagers. Same thing...tried to provoke me. Didn't bite. That's not why I bought this car. Oh well...suppose I'd better get used to that huh? ;)

    Probably catch up with you guys sometime here in the near future. Nice to know there's a group out there in the area.


  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Get used to it, they wont be going away anytime soon my friend :)
  11. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    when they piss me off enough, i just drop them, go fast, when they disappear, continue normal driving.

    and as long as i dont get anohter CEL w/ my MBC, uh, that will happen quicker.

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