My wife is wanting to get rid of our BMW X5, and is wanting an Outback (apparently there are good finance offers on them atm). Does anyone here have, or has had experience with, a 2.5 XT Outback? Anything I should know about one before test driving one? Cheers
I love the X5, but there are reasons to get rid of it. So she is thinking of replacing it with a Subaru (she likes my STI, but wants something with more room for hauling the dogs ). Plus it is cheaper to buy Belgium than perform maintenance on it.
Get the Outback, put some Megan racing coil overs, and get bigger sways. Then do downpipe with AP. Ah, she'll love it!
Yeah that was an interesting piece. Think we will go and test drive one in the next week or so. Need to 'teach' the wife how to drive a stick shift. As she hasn't driven one in 10 years, although I'm not sure I want her learning in my STi. /me waves goodbye to his clutch *sniff*