I'm gonna look for that next time I drive past your car dropping my gf off at work. Your car always looks so clean.
trunk monkey FTW! it has been proven that the monkey enhances stability, power, aerodynamics and pimp status..
Lookin' for a little side action? Careful, Bobby has been known to step on people, just for snoring too loud!
She works at Judith Lieber selling the 3000 dollar purses. Lol, Scott, I think my gf could stomp Donnie, she's a hair under 6ft tall.
I have two....when I was washing the car yesterday, I put them in the trunk...they're still in there...oops! :rofl:
i tried searching for them but all i can think of is " monkey doll" or "monkey long arm dolls" lol what are they called anyway? do they have special names to em?