latest progress on the car

Discussion in 'General Community' started by dlowman, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. dlowman

    dlowman Member

    Well it has taken a ton of work but the car is getting closer. About another 3 weeks or so and I should have it back. The body guy has been really cool about letting me come by anytime I want and work on the car. He has taken the time to educate me about how to make the body right. I am def sore from all the work though. And no those are not the tires and wheels that will go on the car :)



    We moved the roll ball holes and modified the roll bar to make it more accurate.


  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Nice, I'm glad to see your finding this experience both educational and exciting :D
  3. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!
  4. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Nice Dan...I am so excited to see the final product. Good job!
  5. dlowman

    dlowman Member

    It really is a ton of work. The original cobra's were so non deminsional. I mean little things on it are sooo off. Since this car was taken from the mold of an original you can see all the little imperfections that have to be addressed in it.
  6. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member


  7. dlowman

    dlowman Member

    more pics
    Door gaps

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