I was bored so I went driving around today and passed by the shop. I thought they were closed but there were still cars around the building including a White STi.
Ive heard a couple different story's about why there shut down, but nothing from anyone who knows for a fact what happened.
The story I heard is that the owner recently passed away after being in a coma for over a year after wrecking a Scion TC racecar. When he passed away I think the shop pretty much closed up... I think there is one guy who still does some stuff occasionally. SS
Yes Kevin was still running it, even after Duram passed. Kevin is part owner. somethings going on with Kevin and a divorce settlement. Not sure if the wife is trying to take the shop or what.
I thought it was peer pressure from the friendly garden snake /end thread jack All i have heard was the guy passed away and apparently it just wasn't working out with whom ever took over. That was the last I ever heard... and that was a good year ago.