Just a quick update. My wife and I are proud new parents of a baby boy. Zane was born on 05-05-07, 7.4lbs and 18 in long We are now back home and the fun begins, I mean continues...
that is awesome news. Congratz Keith!! its about time that kid arrived..lemme know if you have any questions or need any help!
Congrats!! You should probably go ahead and update your location. I doubt you'll be "Umm on this forum, duh".
Great to hear Keith! Good luck over the next few days and let us know if you need anything. You'll be a pro in no time!
Congrats bro!!! Very happy for you and Jody. Looking forward to seeing the little guy. Keep us posted.
Ten years from now, you'll have faint memories of another life, but you still won't be able to say just how you spent your time then. Welcome to the other side.
so...is he a wagon or a sedan type of person? cause i mean, the wagon mafia and the 4 door gang dont get along too well from what i hear congrats man
Our kid's names sound like the names of a punk band or maybe cheesy comic book....Zane, Zander, Fiona...
They do dont they... I will make sure I get a picture of zane with a nice due. Wife is makin the poor guy run around in a mohawk,,,, let me change that it is a faux hawk