We recently had new carpeting installed in the house and are taking advantage of this to reorganize damn near everything we own. This includes getting rid of books we're not going to read again, books we didn't like, books we have duplicates/triplicates of etc.. probably have a few hundred that are boxed up that we need to find new homes for. If there's any interest I can post a list once we have a chance to inventory the stuff.
I'm interested, but mostly in non-fiction reads though (politics, history, biographies, sciences, how-to's etc.)
No, King is staying. Lots of Star Wars books, lots of miscellanous novels (some classics that we had duplicates of), lots of non-fiction... wife actually has something like 150-200 books from her liberal arts education that we need to find a home for too. We do have a pile of National Geographic magazines (probably 50-60) mostly from mid-90s in excellent condition if anybody wants to come pick 'em up for free.
is the birdie up for grabs? But I'm always game for new reading material, so definitely keep us posted!
They are sort of like stories that you read on the internet, only instead of a computer screen, the words are printed on paper, and all the papers are attached to each other. :coolugh:
You probably lost him at the first comma. Books require an attention span longer than that of a puppy. Most people today just don't....what was I saying??