So we had a Siegel Racing Driver Instruction Clinic a while back with a Subaru STi, 2 Mitsubishi Evo 8's, a Porsche Cayenne Turbo, and a Porsche 996 911 Turbo. The highlight of my instructing career came when my highly-entertaining sister-in-law came to check it out. Here's the story: My sister-in-law, Allison, was very excited even just to see a new 911 Turbo at a race track. When I told her that she could ride in it, she jumped at the chance. Alli had never been in any sort of vehicle on any sort of track, not even an auto-cross. Despite my confidence in Paolo, the owner, to take her out safely, and still amaze her with the cars capabilities, he generously offered me to take her out in it. As we approached the car: Allison: "Wow that car is beautiful" Scott: "Yep, it's amazing to drive too." Allison: "Be careful with me." Scott: "Of course I'll be careful with you, and the very nice, expensive car too. Don't worry, this is my job, it's what I do." Alli: "Yeah, be careful with me." We get in and she's looking around at the interior: Alli: "Wow, I think I want one of these." Scott: "You and me both." (not that either of us will be affording one ANY time in the near future.) So we get the helmets and intercom on and get ready to go. Realize that with the intercom I can whisper absolutely as quietly as I can and she can hear me perfectly. You can hear each other breathe. The car is warm so I ease out of the pits. Short shift 2nd and 3rd and ease through Turn 1 and 2. Scott: "We have 2 options, we can either just start going fast right away and you'll just trust me, or we can ease up on it." Alli (with much concern in her voice): "You mean we're not going fast NOW?!?!" Scott (chuckling at the thought of her first experience of 450 hp): "Nope." For whatever reason I decide that she'll be better off just jumping in, so I nail it. We approach "The Kink" at the top of 3rd gear, nudge the brakes and turn-in, rolling immediately back toward full throttle. Alli just starts screaming: Alli (at the top of her lungs, on the intercom in my ear): "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG" Scott (ever so calm): "Stop Screaming." Instantly she stops screaming but begins hyperventilating really loudly, again in my ear on the intercom. Scott (still ever so calm): "Stop hyperventilating." And she does. Instantly. Sudden silence in my ear. At this point we have just exited the kink and I'm rowing 4th, back to full throttle. I think "Wow, she listens really well. I had expected the hyperventilating to take longer to stop." It turns out she had just immediately begun holding her breath. Fortunately by lap 3 or 4 she was breathing again By lap 6 she was asking questions. On lap 8 she could recognize each time PSM cut in and I offered to turn it off and really show her what the car could do. She declined.
lol funny story. " you mean we are not going fast now?" lol hahaha atleast she didnt want out of the car immediately