Sunday, 02/03 black WRX wagon headed north on 85, exited @115. Lisc plate said Stelth1, I think. Also had WRXAtlanta decals on the windows. I was the 04 black WRX with ASH 25 lisc. plate. WHAT'S UP?!?!?!?!
I made that comment the other day because in 3 weeks my car has had 3 different rims on it...all of which i still have and plan on changing to fit my mood, LOL. Someone said that I should add that in my signature, so I did.
Haha - wow - guess I found this thread a bit late eh? And yeah - the shoes thing is good stuff! Yeah I frequent that area a lot. Parents live up that way and I just moved out of my house up that way too. How's the WRX treatin you lately wrxin8or?