So I Walk Out To My Car Today, and theres a giant crack on the windshield. I am pissed. I talked to all the dealerships down here, and they want to charge 900 for windshield and installation, well i found safelite to be quite helpful so far, the buy the mold stright from subaru so no tint variation occurs, and the fit is perfect, plus their lifetime warranty even covers windnoise from improper installation. So i think im goin w/ them right now.
Hey Fez....don't know about what insurance you've got, but alot of auto insurance co's cover broken windshields. Depending on what your deductable is, it might be worth it to investigate having the insurance co. fix this for you. Just a thought...I know it sucks having a broken windshield.
safelite is comin tomorrow from 8-12 they said, insurance is covering all but 50 bucks of it....i get a new glass,fun stuff.
Fez, Good to hear it man...glad the insurance is coverin it and you're not going to get stuck with a huge bill on the thing. Jeremy