Blue Suby Getting a Ticket in Forsyth It was on highway 141 in Forsyth County getting pulled over.... Blue WRX or STi with really dark windows.
I'm not sure, I didn't see it myself, but the cop that got him is a REALLY good friend of mine... The driver got 6 tickets for various offences and his g/f got 1 too just thought I might be able to help as long as the driver can do something...
mmmhmmm. If you don't want people to know... just send me a pm. I'll do what I can to help you, but theres something that you have to do first... let me know as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes
Hopefully the ticket was not too bad. Damn cops... BTW - How she drive? Any surprises when you picked her up?
i guess you missed the j/k at the end there. drives great. to bad im not getting to enjoy it as i head into ts barry.