After being together for FIVE years... My girlfriend decides that shes bored, and wants to date around... ggrreeaatt, thanks for waiting 5 fucking years to tell me this! And no its not because we haven't gotten married yet, we started dating when we were in highschool, and we were going to both finish college before we got married. So... now I'm stuck in a lease that won't be up for 6 months on an appartment with her, and she just wants to be room mates until then... Its kind of a good thing that she just told me, because I've been out looking at houses to buy. Lifes a BITCH... you know it? :squint:
Really sorry to hear it man. You know you've got the guys here if you ever need to vent on anything. Relationships can be a bitch.
Sorry to hear that buddy. That would be kinda weird if she ever brought anyone over. I know I wouldn't like it.
It is kinda Jerry Springerish... but we agreed not to talk about anyone else, be nosey, get jealous, or bring anyone here...
well that sounds fair...and a free ticket to get some strange! but on a serious note it may be a blessing in disguise, as I have had several 3-6 yr relationships end and had they not I would not be married to the love of my life nor would I have my son!
sorry to hear dude. friends w/ benefits always leads to bad shit. i'd stay away from that. i'm a firm believer that things always happen for a reason. g'luck.
dude that sux... if you ever need any padding on the back or a shoulder to cry on im like 10 min away. lol dude look on the bright side if she did that after you got married she would have gotten 1/2 yo stuff. please tell me that she bought that new car under her name.
I gave her the down payment to build her credit, and I had to co-sign... I'm not worried about that, she pays her bills. I'm still 5 grand in the hole tho... We need to hit the town now though... You NEED a girl too!
^^Things have a strange way of going south...I would be removed from co-sign but after the lease is up so as to not cause problems while you guys are still living together.
Greg I am right there with you. I've been married for 5 yrs. And she wants to "see what else is out there". Kinda messed up. It's hard having 2 kids as well. If you need anything holla. Sean
didnt you know that i was married? ........ lol not really. i have someone special already. you want to try an asian girl this time?
man that sucks! hopefully things will work out for you. good luck and you know the guys on here will always be there for ya!
word, me too. Ive tried 'em all but asian and indian, lol. Someone with the asian connection get a gaggle of ladies together and lets do a big date night. We can call it the 'asian invasion'.:coolugh: I would like to see if the wimmenfolk do indeed have sideways vaginas:naughty: :rofl:
was that the blond that was with you at ra, sorry to here about that man, everything will work out it just takes time
Read my post closely... I'm sure you can figure out. :hsugh: Read the quote AND THEN the post... And yeah, it was the blonde at Road Atlanta... Shes been to quite a few meets, so I'm sure a lot of you know her. She was with me at Petite last year in the 'Mule', the Quiznos meet, 2 mountain runs, and the autocross.
Doesn't she have a twin?:dirty: Seriously though, in this day and age, its probably better. You have alot more life to experience before you can really know what you want from a spouse. Sorry to hear it, but as they say, better now than later...
women suck. twins are worse. i did the twins thing, didn't work out for me either. maybe it wasn't similar in your situation, but I've vowed to stay away from twins from now on. too much drama. anyways, good luck man.
The twin thing worked great for the past year that we had it going... But that isn't what split us up
Please....that bitch was like Pink Pony....I was like yah you heard me you get in the car we's is going to looks at us some naked wemenzz and we are going right now. Thats what I told her....
Sorry to hear bout the GF, sometimes its works out for the best. The same thing happened to me about 3 yrs ago after a 4 year relationship, it was an ugly situation. I'm actually looking to get rid of my current gf now!:sx: Let me know if you need a good wing man :naughty:
At this point... I'm down for anything! Hopefully I can get her out of here without being an ass and kicking her out...
roflmao... and great angry sex was had by all ----------- sorry to hear about the situation greg, as said before... after it's been a while apart you start asking yourself "what the fuck what i thinking?" especially after you've found someone you match up with better.