A friendly reminder...see you there! ARSCCA Points Event #5 6/17/07 Turner Field Blue lot http://www.dlbracing.com/clubs/registera.aspx?Max=199&CSN=true&EWL=true&SMI=true&EventID=2806 Be there, or be a square peg in a round hole.
Anybody know if there is still room in the ddp for saturday? Will - car drives great now, thanks. I also noticed the brake pedal feels much firmer now, good stuff.
Well that would explain why I didn't see how to register for it. That saturday I will be torn between autocross and kayaking yet again. Having too many hobbies is frustrating sometimes. It also makes for a slightly confused looking subaru.
Bump for this and the DDP, the DDP is nowhere near full! If you want some good seat time this is the time for it!
Well I was originally looking forward to this DDP but I find myself unable to pass up a trip to the new whitewater park in charlotte (especially since I don't have to drive). I may change my mind and register last minute if my shoulder isn't feeling up to it. I will be at points 5 though, regardless.
Buy some new RE01rs....... sex on wheels! $100 rebate for SCCA and BMW CCA members! edit: i only wish bridgestone paid me in tires to say that!
if you swap out your tires, make you you bolt them on snugly... http://www.teamjamoto.com/dixeregionpage.htm
That was a thread pitch issue not a torque issue; apparently whom ever sold this guy his lug nugs sold him the wrong pitch, no amount of torquing in the world would have kept the wheels on. I like the RF1s though.... too bad they fell off!