WRB Bugeye w/WrxAtl.com stickers in Conyers

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Silver Surfer, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Member

    This had to sometime earlier this week. You were parked at the Cingular (AT&T or whateva the fawk) store on Dogwood off 138 in Conyers, ya know next to O'Charley's...across from Home Depot/Wal-Mart...that little shopping center.
    Who was that?
  2. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    It was me, I was working as a marketer for AT&T.......

    I am pretty sure I saw your car, silver w/ nice exhaust note
  3. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Member

    Yep, that was me. On my way to the the old slave field (CCity) when I saw your car. I had 2 of my employees in the car and was like "that guy's in my club!" I think I'll stop and say hi. Then they were all "don't stop, we'll be late" Bunch of cry babies! LOL!

    Thanks for the compliment. I love my HKS!
    I was very jealous on how clean your car was...
  4. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    AT & T Here too!!! lol
  5. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    What do you do for AT&T, I worked for a company that does stoopid ass marketing for them. Left that shit:fawk:

    PM me details, I am looking to move into the telecommunications field ....
  6. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Clean? That monster needed to be dipped in acid! I detail it regulary, probably too much.
  7. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    I'm a account manager at a call center for spanish and english center

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