Ok, so my birthday is the 16th, but I'll be out of town having some fun with Jen and Porter and Katie :banana: ANYWAY...when I come back, I propose we do a brewery tour party type thing. This will be a TWO day event!!! Friday, we'll go to Sweetwater tour, and Sunday, we'll do the Atlanta Brewing tour. Both tours are ~6 to get you, essentially, 6 beers. That and you get to keep the pint glass. I know quite a few of you have done it, so it should be fun! Plus, the tours are in downtown, so it's CENTRAL. :rofl: these dates will be the 22nd and 24th, respectively. Who's down? I need to start a list....and we need to get there EARLY on Friday, cuz it's ALWAYS packed in the summer time
Yeah! Drinking and Driving! I'm in! I will be in Charlotte NC that weekend for a wedding...I might be back in town by Sunday. Sounds like fun.
Prices went up, $8 at Sweetwater for a pint glass and 6 2/3 full beers. $7 at ABC for pretty much all you can drink (technically 6 beers, but they're pretty loose about giving more). I'm not trying to discourage anyone or anything, I still go to both of them often, just putting the info out there
:rofl: Let me know! You should be back in time. we usually meander around a little longer to sober up, or go hunting for food to help sober up
Hmmm, lets see what the wife thinks when she gets back from Africa, I am thinking she would be more open to this if Kris drives us down in the van...
bump up top!! I wont be able to do the Sweetwater on Friday, so I MIGHT change that to Saturday. STILL down for Sunday at ABC....we game?