Ok well I seem to need to grind down the edges of the octagon on my agx's to get the ground control sleeves to fit. It shouldn't be too complicated but I don't have the tools or know where to go to get it done. This is what it looks like, Any machine shops or people I could slip a tenner or pack of beer? Cheers
Just want to add that the first picture isn't mine, borrowed from nasioc. The second one is, and my lip problem isn't quite as bad as his one. Looks like less work is needed compared to his one.
Yeah, it needs grinding a little bit. But where could I get it done? Seems a tad excessive to buy a bunch of metal work tools just for 2 small jobs.
Damn they are much cheaper than I had expected. Would this do it? http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=91222
Thanks for all the help everyone. The only problem i could see with a table mounted one is the awkwardness of moving the strut around.
be VERY careful going into the Harbor Freight stores..... They suck you in and you walk out spending WAY more than you expecting going in!!
I have that set up and any cheap grinder will work. I'll do it for you if you feel like driving to Marietta tomorrow, shoot me a pm.
all grinders will work hell a hand file will work as well because you are just knocking the edges off If you arent careful with a grinder you can get bad results. and pls wear safety glasses
Wow that place was a trap. So much tempting stuff. Freaking jack stands for 12.99 a pair! Impact wrenches and all sorts for cheap! Ended up getting a battery charger aswell! 18.99 for an angle grinder is mental!
Since I work for an eye surgen....PLEASE WEAR SAFETY GLASSES!!! I like you guys and want to get together...but not at my job!!!
Having just read someone say you could come up with some jobs to use it on for fun, I burst out laughing when I read eye surgery. Thought you were suggesting it!
PM Mckenzietj, he had this same problem. Actually I was the one who sold him the setup. We didn't figure it out until we had my car apart at an install day. Any grinder will work.
Aye, I got cutting this morning after having to return a shoddy linksys router. Only just got back on the bastard internet, it's being having the shits all week. It's quite fun actually, only have about 30mins of daylight to do it outside before I went to work earlier. Ground 1 strut and it's really close to fitting, when I get out of work early tomorow I'll get it finished off. I reccomend the grinder to anyone, for $15 you can't go wrong. Sparks fly like a bitch, scared the crap out of my dog. And grinding the metal takes longer than you think. So expect some pictures tomorow night.
Ok, so I did it! Octagon metal shape 0 Jack with an angle grinder 1 The sleeves fit great, now I just need some camber plates and it'll be install time.