.....apparently racing a 240SX up and down 985..... hopefully no one on here is that stupid, especially after what happened there the other week..... :squint: On my way over there now to lock up whoever's still out and about.....
Yep..... there was also a pretty bad accident on 85 tonight..... guy was racing and lost control, nailed the median wall and flipped..... luckily no one was seriously hurt....
Don;t know if its the same guy, but Keegan and I went throught pleasant hill tonight and there was a blue STi there... Thats just usually where all the BS starts
yep...i played it very safe coming home...even got a nice laser hit on my detector on 285W just past the 400 exit. he was in the bushes in his mustang...grrrrr. oh well that's the way it is in that area on sat night.
anyone hear bout the blue sti running in the back of and nailing another modded integra on 85. Car was totalled. He was racing as well.