EVENT CANCELLEDCLUB WARS II CAR SHOW / REDLINE TIME ATTACK AUG 25TH TRACK DAY AUG 26TH CAR SHOW & TIME ATTACK ATLANTA MOTOR SPEEDWAY GATES OPEN AT 7.00 AM FOR PARTISIPANTS GATES OPEN AT 8.00AM FOR SPECTATORS Round 2 of the Club Wars Compitition is set. Redline Time Attack & Club Wars are joining together to put on a Car Show like you have never been to before! CAR SHOW: With 8 Classes to cover every make and model -- your car or team for the Circuit Life Car Show! $30 entry fee per car and includes two passes for the Time Attack, and "Circuit Cruse" parade laps. The Club Wars Staff will be given everyone's individual Score and that Score will represent your Club. The Clubs represented with the top 3 scores will win a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place Award and Points for their club. You will have a unique oppertunity to win in one of the 8 Classes provided by Redline Time Attack and win for your Club as well. VENDOR MIDWAY: Product and Racing displays form top manufactures in the industry -- includes our new "Circuit Tech" Seminars and car shows. CIRCUIT TECH SEMINARS: The fastest way to improve both yourself and your vehicle! Top manufacturers and tuners explain car control, proper car setup, brake upgrades, suspension technologies and other important topics. You will have the opportunity to talk directly to the manufacturers and tuners that will be explaining their new products, technology, and racing theories. SPECTATOR RIDE-ALONGS: On the Saturday Test & Tune/HPDE day, spectator will be able to receive rides in cars entered by various drivers and teams that will competing in the Redline Time Attack! Spectator ride-alongs will ONLY be given on the Saturday of the event. If your tired of the same old Car Shows, this is the Event for you. Click this Link to get registered and view the Redline Time Attack Web Site. http://www.redlinetimeattack.com/index-6ams.htm For any Questions, Please contact your Club President or Call Jonathan Hall. JONATHAN J MAN HALL 770-427-1745 www.jman@alancoxautomotive.com
Club Wars Car Show Cancelled I am sad to say that due to a lack of support and partisipation, Redline Time Attack has been cancelled. This means that we will have to reschedule our Club Wars Car Show for another date. Redline Time Attack does have a Refund Policy which is on their Web Site and it states the following. Redline Track Events Refunds Policy: Cash Refunds will only be provided for cancellations made more than 7 days prior to an event. If a cancellation is made for an event less than 7 days from an event you are registered for, we will only provide "credit" equaling the price of registration you paid, towards another Redline Track Event. If you choose to simply "not show" at an event you are registered for, and attempt to contact us after the completion of the event, no refund or credit will be given. Redline Time Attack Refund Policy: Cash refunds will only be provided for cancellations made more than 7 days prior to an event. If a cancellation is made for an event less than 7 days from an event you are registered for, we will only provide "Credit" equaling the price of registration you paid, towards another Redline Time Attack event. If you choose to simply "not show" at a Redline Time Attack event you are registered for, and attempt to contact us after the completion of the event, no refund or credit will be given to you. If your vehicle experiences a failure of any kind while participating in a Redline Time Attack event, that prevents you from continuing, regardless of how many laps you have completed during the event, no credit and no refund will be issued. This includes 2-Day registrations as well, meaning that if you experience a vehicle failure on Saturday that prevents you from participating on Sunday, you will not receive a refund/credit for Saturday OR Sunday. This means you are due a Refund from Redline Time Attack and would recommend that you calling this number. Redline Time Attack information_____661-992-4384 or 661-992-2390 With my regrets, J Man
I'm sorry to hear that. To me, it was the track. I would have been up for it if it had been at RA or something. I'm just not a fan of AMS.
Its understandable. I believe that I was responsible for more than half the people & shops that registered. I sincerely regret being a part of this disappointment.:bowdown: On a Bright note, Club Wars Talladega is a 99% sure thing with registration filling up:coolugh: J Man
It seem like they could have possibly attracted more people if the classing had some parallels with SCCA Solo II/Club Racing or NASA TT Program.
True. That is true Meredith. I ran into a lot of walls when it came to Classes. With Tuner Fest Shoot Out at Atl Dragg, I am sure that did not help. Mostly lack of Driver Participation and Local Sponsors was the death nail. I regret being a part of this disapointment. J Man