And I can't stop smiling from ear to ear. The car handles like a go kart, a complete transformation! A huge thank you to Casey for giving me a hand throughout the whole thing. Next up, Will will be seeing me at SOG for an alignment. And actually they'll be seeing me anyway for a broken stud when taken a lug nut off! The setup is kyb agx with ground control coilovers 8 inch spring 350/300, tein camber plates up front, and group n rear strut mounts. Can't wait for autocross! I'll post some pictures up in the morning. :ddirty: I took some crappy ones this morning, here they are:
Cheers val, it's incredible the difference. There was a slight knocking noise but I think I need to use a impact wrench on the front strut tops but it's not that bad. The body roll is gone! The rear sway bar feels more pronounced now with the stiff springs, managed to get the back end out in a parking lot! How you doing mate? Been to any Import Athens meets?
I noticed the same thing when putting stiff springs on my car. It made my stock 20mm rear sway seem very week, body roll wasnt improved or reduced but there's just always a weak point. Congrats on the setup, if there's any knocking just check the tightness of the top-nut on the strut, if its not down all the way the tophat will move around.
Yeah my car isn't particularly slammed. It's lower than stock but the camber plates added some height aswell I suspect. The agx's have plenty of travel going on. Gtscoob, I wasn't complaining about the rear sway bar, quite the opposite. Stock on the rs is 13 mm, I have 20mm one on, it feels great! Next step, brakes, followed by saving even more for swappage! Bring it on calmnothing muhahaha! edit: i wish this computer would hurry up and bloody format, need my sleep!
Yeah, the stiffer springs definately help with the lateral sway too. I put my coilovers first and then i upgraded the sways, but i could barely feel any difference because of the stiffness of the springs. I've been to a few more athens meets. When are you coming back in town? We have to hang out sometime.