nah legs are nice and hairy youre thinking of those two weirdos keith and clay (they also wear pantyhose )
Ughhh Ban him... Whats up with the sig ass hat, signing up as soon as my password resets. You big bully! LOL
Ethugz are here to help enforce and police the site and to keep everyones ass in line jk. Oh yeah this EThug wields an iron fist. Once we see your name on the Subaru Challenge list your free to be a roaming gnome
hahaha you know what would be worse then banning him? resetting his post count to 0. hahaha, he'll be a n00b like he truely is.
I felt bad. He was teary eyed on the phone with me... Brett welcome back to the playground.. Follow the rules and kiss my feet
ok first off...bobby...redneck? thats harsh secondly, keith is just pissy today....must be that time of the month
yeah your mom, i mean dog is bleeding all over the place Brett Come get yourself a kiss!! LOL I just shaved my legs and have your favorite pair of panty hose on .Just kidding
Man I was about to put tub-girl up as your avatar but I dont have enough mod-skills to do so. Keep talkin shit son, it's been a while since I've banned anything other than those googlebots. Maybe I should just ban you from drinking beer at my house.
Too much of a pussy to run your car around some cones at the subaru challenge? Its going to be my first autox, lol. Or are you just going to stand around talking about how great your redneck school is?
want to put your money where your mouth is? (for the football game that is) oh, and i will sign up for the challenge...its just too much fun to fuck around with keith
You better be at the game. You know we'll be pregaming, I'll sneak you into the student section if you wear a yellow t-shirt.
bobby, I will definitely be there...and I will bring down some booze and yeah...this is surprisingly one of the more calm and collected soap operas of wrxatlanta
As wrxatlanta turns . . . do you really think we're serious? :keke: You didnt answer my question, I've got a bunch of nice Tech shirts you can wear if you want. I'd bet we both wear the same t-shirt size.
I don't take anything seriously. :keke: Sorry, I must have missed your question. That would be awsome.
Oh that one was directed at Brett since I want to drag him along to the Climpsun v GT football game this year. Honestly I hope that you dont wear an XL shirt, but hey big girls need lovin too :naughty::naughty: *runs away from Mr Face because I dont need anymore stitches on my face*
I am probably gonna try to find a ticket, but if it worse comes to worse, I will wear a yellow shirt to get in the game then take it off to show the orange