Um... no. Wasn't me. Theres another white STi in Gainesville..? EDIT: Hangon... is this a 4 door white F-150 truck? If so, it wasn't racing, and if you know them. Tell them they have no idea what they're getting into...
Greg can't race anyways...he has to set a good example for others and bring a good name to the subaru world...
Honestly I don't know what kind of truck it was. I just heard from some buddies of mine that there was a white one riding around racing or just going really fast. :rofl: do u hang out with the 240 boys? like micheal and sean and ricky and them?
Well, tell your buddies in the truck that they have no idea how close they came to getting shot and/or arrested. Jerome, send me a PM and I can probably help you out. Its Dawson Co., right?
What are u talking about? I don't even know the guys from the truck. just some friends passing by saw a white subby. nothing big.
oh ok, nevermind then It wasn't racing tho, something else. And Chris, I got your 'little situation' taken care of, should be clear to go now. You owe me!
I don't know. I figured that u might go out and cruise Gainesville. lol. I should be going tomorrow. I figured that if u were out tonight, I would probably bump into u or something. hey do u hang out with the 240 boys? like sean and micheal and ricky?
I know quite a few of em, yeah. I don't usually hang out with them though. No, you won't see me 'cruising' Gainesville unless I'm headed somewhere lol I think we're all gonna go out later tonight tho. Dunno where yet.
Oh cool. well that sounds good. If u see a blue sti with a front mount, and a spanish guy driving it, that's me. lol.