Not yet. We are still working out the bugs. I forgot to turn the oil pump on that pumps the oil out of the turbo so it dumped oil into the exhaust. I've been burning that off for the last 5 minutes. Matt
Yeah I haven't had time to finish the wiring yet. We still have to install gauges and the edfc, as well as the boost controller. Matt
The car has now been to 6 psi, Dan is in a meeting right now so I have been doing the didn't know I had skills did you. I've pretty much done all I want to do know, Ill let Dan take back over. Right around 6psi it sounds like its about to take off. Matt
Negative...Dan is the AEM Master Scott will probally do some driveability tuning on the pump gas map but right now the car has race gas in it. This car is Dan and Brandons baby, no one besides Brandon has ever worked on it. Matt
For the record my comment about dan making more power was purely a joke. Apparently I offended Scott from matt's comments and the fact Scott told me to call him (which NEVER happens). Jeez Scott calm down......sorry dude.
It's cool, I sometimes worry that people don't know that y'all are kidding... I don't want people thinking that I can't tune their AEM's. Coolrex - you have made a number of posts about me leaving power on the table on your car. *I* know you're kidding, but other's might not. You also asked me to make your engine last 150,000... I know I take things too personally, but I worry that some people don't know when other's are kidding. Siegel
i'm assuming the softball sized hole in the block was a joke as well? or was that one of the "small" problems?
I have never had my car tuned or dyno'd or anything, so I'll be interested to see the results. /n00b moment oh, and BC, it was probably a joke...I'm thinking it was only like a baseball sized-hole.
haha. well this will be no where near the numbers 95% of the people on this board could expect to see. just that elite top echelon of tuners.
damn, on 15psi that thing is no slouch. can't wait to see what the final numbers are. hell, can't wait to see what it does on the track for that matter...
We had fuel pump problems, thats why we stopped at 500, we think the twin walboros may not be getting enough voltage. Tommrow we fix the fuel pumps and put the big injectors in. Matt
Ummmm no it's 425 hp and 340 lb/ft from what I'm seeing. Or is that bottom line the first pull? I'm confused......