too much work & i was pressing for time & trying to keep costs as low as possible plus i needed to have it ready for Tunerfest:wiggle: plus i'm gonna get a carbon trunk anyway so i figured what the hell. preciate the other compliments fellas...damn!!! *get's teary eyed* Strayen wait....did you just say you put NOS in that thing? You're trying to destroy your engine huh? it's to spray my fmic with bro........hnoes: trust me i reaserched that & didn't want to piss my car
But think of how awesome it would be to extend your paint scheme into your housings It would really tie the front together!
oooooooooooooooooooooo u went there:fawk: shit i'm on that 5am-1:30pm schedule now........bout to take my happy a$$ to bed & be up @ 4:10:hs:
I really like the redlines also...brings back some great memories of muscle cars. My friend who has a OBP STi also has redline tires. The car has a great look....Congrats Greg!!. Mark
thx bro 06SilverBullet I really like the redlines also...brings back some great memories of muscle cars. My friend who has a OBP STi also has redline tires. The car has a great look....Congrats Greg!!. Mark thx & i miss ya buddy
Looks Awsome Man, I Have Been Wanting To Do Kinda The Same Type Of Paint Scheme But With Black And Blue
Ya know - the car still looks RED in photos... Guys - it's hardcore orange - don't be fooled by the pics... The orange looks better than red any day - now if we could just get Nitro to take some decent pictures of his car