I came upon a dyno and a picture from Dyno4mance's site. I assume this gentleman named Mark is somewhat local and maybe someone knows him since dyno4mance is in Calhoun,GA which is about 70 miles north of Atlanta. "Don't be fooled by all the shiny bits under the hood, this wicked WRX is no dyno queen. In fact, after this trip to the dyno, he went out to the track and ran a 9.84 at 148.53 mph" From the partial engine bay shot, I see reverse Magnus intake manifold, some sort of massive turbo from Innovative... And another questions would be who tuned the car :wiggle: ?
thank you. Calhoun is closer to the Tennessee border than it is to Atlanta, maybe we should get him onto the board
I'll tell for 9.99. Oh hell. I'll do it for free. http://www.fastechimportperformance.com/dragcar.htm .
how is that awesome? With such a small power band, the only thing it would be good for is 1/4 mile runs