COBB AP HELP!!! Tune Tomorrow!! :) (long-winded)

Discussion in 'General Community' started by jesus888, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. jesus888

    jesus888 Member

    Alright guys, here's the deal, and I need a little advice/help.

    I picked up a 2007 Limited STi with 7K miles for under KBB from a private owner in South Carolina about a month ago. My 2005 STi is staying put... this 2007 Limited is for a friend from out of town. Well, knowing what we both know about the 2007 ECU issues, we decided that a downpipe install, COBB AP, and Protune were in order prior to him driving it back up to Boston...

    Well, V2 Cobb APs are out of stock everywhere... and I finally found one from a vendor in Virginia that said they got a few in stock for the right price, so I picked it up last week prior to installing the downpipe.

    I installed 2 downpipes (my 2005 and the 2007 limited), busted a few knuckles, and torched a few heat shields, but everything seemed to be in order so that I would be able to get Protuned tomorrow (Friday with Scott Seigal at Battleground Tuning) so that my bud could drive off into the sunset (to Boston) on Sunday.

    I attempted to flash to Stage 2 after the d/p install on the 2007 Limited with the nice new V2 Cobb AP, but things didn't go as easily as they did with my V1 Cobb AP on my 2005... After discussing in depth with Cobb, they said that they would ship me a new one, if I sent them this one back. They claimed that there was definitely something wrong with the dongle (that plugs into the OBD port). WELL, since I have some time constraints and I was working out of town all week, they also suggested that I use the AP (which they say is working fine) and use a dongle from Scott (they were pretty certain that he has one lying around).

    Fast fwd to today. I called Scott, and he indeed has a dongle to spare for us to do the tune... Everything should be good, BUT my concern is What if the AP is bad? and it isn't just the dongle? This is where I need help... devising a backup plan for somehow getting a V2 Cobb AP tomorrrow morning Just In Case things don't work out... I can't afford not to have a backup plan, since my bud HAS to leave Sunday, and we have an appt with Scott tomorrow...

    Cliff Notes: Vendors in Atlanta, do ANY of you have ANY V2 Cobb APs in stock? If so, please pm me... and others, if you have ANY other ideas, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!#@@!!!
  2. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

  3. jesus888

    jesus888 Member

    Thanks mang! I sent a pm to him, we'll see if it's a good backup plan!!!
  4. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Wouldn't it be alright without the AP, at least for a little while. Maybe it's just the earlier models, but I was always under the impression that you could do exhaust before AP if you so chose.
  5. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Just let your backup plan be, Let Scott do an OPENECU tune instead of through the AP...
  6. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    we can do an open ECU on it, but currently APs are on backorder for 2 weeks, im on the waiting list for 3
  7. jesus888

    jesus888 Member

    Thanks for the replies... I am definitely crossing my fingers that the issue is just with the dongle, so everything goes smoothly, but its good to lniw that there are options... See you guys in the AM!!!
  8. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    That AP is here at the shop right now. If you need to buy it, it's here.

  9. jesus888

    jesus888 Member

    SWEET, problems solved... no more anxiety about this one...
  10. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

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