You passed me this morning on my way to work as I sat with a cop in the middle of the turning lane.
I think that was me so I see you got pull over for speeding? I try not to speed in buckhead, the cops here are an A**. but it just so hard not to have fun in my car sometime
I read the post on IA. I agree that you should show up to court and take pics if possible (video!!!) of where the cop was sitting, the road, note the traffic conditions, note that you were denied proof of speed, etc..... ATL courts are so swamped that thye probably will let it fly or reduce it.....
I could have sworn it was an 04-05 that passed me, but Im not sure lol You were going the opposite direction right? That guy had me at that spot for like 20 minutes! Yeah I definitly plan on going and fighting it.
Dont we have an officer on the boards? I was told that APD requires a calibration on all Speedos per month, half of them arent and barely work. Plus in order to pace me it's required to do so for 1/4 of a mile. Well the light from where it went green to where he pulled me over wasnt. Just curious.
I think by law if they keep you more then 15 min and dont have a reason to give you a ticket you can just drive away and they cant do anything about it, I learn that from my law class (Ohio) before, but I could be wrong since I never payed attention in class. lol and yeah I was going the opposit direction, I havent seen any other white STi in buckhead (or STi in general), but I could be wrong too.
On my way home from work! Hope I dont get anymore bogus tickets! Be on the lookout for police brutality snippets on teh news tonight. Keywords: Mexican looking asian man, red wagon, beatdown, pigs ! lol
Hi, this is my first post. You should show up and fight this. The same thing happened to me in Colorado. I went to court and the officer could not prove that his car was calibrated to use as a device to measure my speed. End result was no ticket and one pissed off officer.
I see no attention was "payed" to English classes either. To Nemesis: if you WERE speeding, just suck it up and pay up instead of coming up with reasons not to -- if you weren't, best of luck in court.
Thanks man! Ive heard this numerous amounts of times, which is why im going to fight this. Im honored that im the subject of your first post on here :ddirty: Dont sweat it man. And yes Moose, I was speeding. 5 mph over. He got me.
I used the "clibration" and the "angle of attack" in court and won both times. Atlanta cops on the shoulder and one in traffic. Pictures from a non-digital camera are best. Fight it and use a LOT of evidence for the judge. Most are pressed for time and will just let it off or agree to reduce it. There is a law about Ga highways and 10MPH, but from what i can remember it applies to all but state cops and no one else....or something like that . Anyone else remember what that statute is?
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: thats just moose...just be glad you dont have one of those cheap hid kits...then you would really get it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
:rofl: he is just poking fun man. the board would get kinda stale if we didnt have the occasional friendly insult and you have to admit that it was kinda funny aint that the truth!
I hope all you guys are paying attention to our current Government. They are trying to F#$*k us! Litterally, by destroying the Constitution! Be on high alert and ready to mobilize when needed!
i paid 158 bucks for not giving a signal when i was changing lanes in buck head.. half of those cops dont know what the hell their doing