Heya, placing an order for some 17" Kosei's with Michelin pilot sports from tirerack. Anyone know of a good (reputable) place that installs wheels? They recommend shops on the website but some of the places around Tech seem kinda shady, so I'd like to get some opinions from people who may have had more experience. Thanks! PS wrong forum maybe? oh well
Cool thanks. And no.. I do not have a torque wrench. Or a lift. I'll check GTE out. And I don't think they'll ship the tires mounted.
yes they will. they come pre mounted and balanced all you have to do is mount them on yo ride. which all you need is in your car already.... well except for the torque wrench. but you can et that at autozone for like 20$. doit yourself. i do mine cuz i dont trust noone.
well if they do send the tires mounted on the wheels, just post up. someone can help you get them on. all you need is a jack...no need for a lift
Allright so. They do mount them and "Hunter Road Force® balance" them (what ever that is) for free so no worries there. And the reason I don't do it is because I do NOT trust myself to do work like that *pictures the wheels rolling off on the highway*
not why but ask what is it? If you care about your wheels and do not want to get them scratched up, the two peice is exactly what the same suggests, a lug nut unit with two peices. So one part attaches to the wheel and does not rotate against the wheel surface as you tighten the lug nuts...
Yup, Gran Turismo East did a great job. Busy place. Anyway, put the new wheels/tires on and the car feels great even before they are broken in. Feels much more solid now. 2 More things: 1: Do the 2005 WRX wheels sell? Do people want to buy these things? 2: Anyone got a torque wrench I can borrow? :sx: They said to check the torques on the nuts after 40 miles or so.
1. ppl buy anything and everything 2. buy one its only like 20$ plus you will need it later n e wayz.