I saw a Blue '06 or '07 wrx with gold rims and carbon fiber wing risers at Bp at corner of Medlock Bridge and Abbotts. Looked like Chemsoilder's car but didnot look like Rob was driving. I don't know.
It very well could of been here b//c he lives right there. I just wasn't sure b/c when I talked to him thursday at V he didnt hav wheels.
I think it was me, I was heading over to the gf's house. How did you see me, I don't remember seeing a subi there when I pulled in.
I got new tires on sat and I was running around on sun and did stop at the BP but I have stock wrx wheels. Also sighting on 85North by Pleasant Hill a WRB 2.5RS. Good to see ya man!! :coolugh:
I was on Abbotts Bridge in front of the Bp waiting on the light to change. I saw you drive by and then turn into gas station. I was directly in front of you on Abbotts when you turned in from medlock.