Why is it that in a lot of posts lately there have been a 'Join the Subaru Challenge', 'Are you going to the Subaru Challenge', and so forth? I most of the threads there is NOTHING pertaining to the Subaru Challenge. For love of Christ will people PLEASE stop whoring out the Subaru Challenge? There is a thread specifically for that already there. Dang this is starting to become Nasioc-ish. I've had a bad day and that just pushed me off the edge. IBsomeonesayssomethingaboutSubaruChallenge2me.
I agree with you 100% and will start deleting Subaru Challenge posts in threads that have nothing to do with the Subaru Challenge.
My take on this years "Subaru Challenge" is for the organizers not to end up sending refund checks and actually have the event this year. Has the event been green lighted yet or is it in danger of being scrubbed?
Yes, the event has been locked in. There is no worry of it getting cancelled again this year, therefore the whoring is unnecessary, and at this point, just annoying.
The goal is to get to 100 people signed up, and I was told that the moderators were fine with ethugging until this was reached. Please don't be an ass and remove posts pertaining to this effort. This is really an important event for the ATL Subaru community. Please don't ruin it.
I can see both sides of this debate. If the goal is to encourage people to sign up, it won't help getting others annoyed. That would just develop a negative vibe towards the event and nobody wants that. In an effort to try to keep threads on topic, how about pushing the Subaru Challenge only in threads in which it is relevant? I want the event to be successful, but I can understand someone's frustration when it is repeatedly announced in unrelated threads. How does that sound as a tentative solution?
There are people that like NOPI and have been waiting for a while for the upcoming event at AMS. In fact, that community is probably bigger than the community that would rather go to the Subaru Challenge. Wouldn't you agree that it would be annoying if one of them started cheerleading for NOPI in the Subaru Challenge thread?
Alright. I saw Moderator Scott's post in the NOPI thread, stating that post whoring for the Subaru Challenge is alright until the target goal of 100 participants is reached, so I posted similarly in other threads. I will hold off the other threads if that is not appropriate, and let the real eThugs(tm) stick to the Nopi threads.
If that is the case, then post something that contributes to the actual thread. You have a big Subaru Challenge Ad in your sig, that is enough.
The best part about all this thread whoring is that the main cheerleader for the SUBARU Challenge has a picture of a HONDA as his avatar! Ironic? I think so....
I just find it incredible that Subaru has to try so hard to get people to come to an event that other communities would kill for! Makes me think maybe they were right to water down the WRX for this MY. I did post that I thought it was alright, but Alex and Milo are the ultimate authority so lets stick with Milo's solution. I am even driving in the challenge even though I no longer own a Subaru...
It was the same last year with BrianGT pissing like an incontinent camel all over every active thread. If anything, that behavior probably convinced a few people NOT to sign up.
Those damn incontinent camels have ruined way too many picnics. I say we shoot camels on sight from now on.