Just got back from dinner in McDonough. Holy CRAP! You can tell NOPI is in town. I must of seen 100 imports running around. Suprisingly, not much rice. Good lookin stuff.
I passed a group of rice, i mean hondas on 400 today. Must have been 25 or 30 cars. each one as I cruised by them startin reving and stuff.. Funny. Just had to laugh.
Just got back from Dave and Busters in Marietta. There was a group of about 10 parked next to us. Some rice, some looked real good.
i live in newnan and they seem to come out of the woodwork here to. I have never been reved at a stoplight so many times in one weekend...its really akward.
the best (NOT) thing I've ever seen was when the giant oldsmobile or whatever weaved around in our WRX caravan. Not really relevant, just reminded me of this awesome story.
well I saw 2 cars from SC on 85 north, would of been fine (not ricer) if they didnt put all the body kit on it and dropped so low that you think the car is glued to the ground. was a blue supra and an eclipse. and the supra, the carbon hood didnt even fit right, had like a 3 inch gap. oh yeah, and also saw 2 girls in a nice painted 240, had a body kit on it and FULL CAGE, funny thing was, wasnt even turbocharged or anything, they try to race me on 75 north, pull up right next to me and took off (the car didnt seem like was moving) , me and my girl were just looking at them and :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Not wasting my gas on that