Saw yellow wrx w/ stickers heading 85 south around clairmont road and exited off at peachtree street around 5pm or so tues looked great..hope you find this thread!!
Ha ha i was wondering if you were on WRXatlanta! It was fun to roll with you for a few miles. I love those Legacys!
Yeah, that was me. I graduated from Tech in May, but I still live on campus (I am house mom for my old frat). I don't remember seeing an STi last night...
I had not thought about it, but that weekend looks open right now. Are you going? And is there a group from Tech going? :ddirty:
HUH?! not me!!! So, Scott... in case your phone dies and I need to get in contact with you, what's your sister's phone number. You know, just for emergency use. :drool:
what!? I'm just concerned for his safety... it's a dangerous world out there at Tech... with the ninjas down there and all.
Thanks mike! You always look out for me! Maybe you could help protect me from the ugmos at Tech by introducing me to a few of your Kennesaw State friends? :wavey:
i'll be there..i know there is a thread floating around here somewhere about it.. but yea i'm ready to meet up w/ some folks w/ scoobys and ride through helen..not to mention eat some food!!
I'm pretty sure I saw u again yellow wrx..bout 615pm..u were getting off on peachtree street exit...dodging the massive parking lot which I'm still sitting in by the way..don't worry I can type and drive w/ my new with perfection! haha
That is impressive that you posted while still stuck in traffic. Yeah I was on my way home from work. Traffic blew last night!
ha I feel stupid now...made another post off the thread of u bein spotted on pleasantdale ...yea it took me 35 minutes from cheshire bridge to 75 n!