I have designed a new site specifically for Subaru Enthusiasts who live in or around Gwinnett County. I personally am not an ITP person and it’s hard for me to get together with other members that live almost an hour away. WRXgwinnett.com is meant to give the largest and one of the fastest growing counties in the State, its own WRX close-knit community. The 50th member to sign up and post on WRXgwinnett.com will get a free photo shoot compliments of Perdue Vision Graphics. Check the site out for details.
Welcome to the site! Idea sounds good but I doubt you'll get many hits being county specific, hell we've even got our own regions and they dont generate that much traffic.
Still can't check it out Network Error (dns_unresolved_hostname) Your requested host "www.perudevision.com" could not be resolved by DNS.
try www.WRXgwinnett.com If there wasn't already this site I'd say it would have a slight chance to fill the niche this one did. Also the name does seem a little too targeted. Its almost like me starting www.wrx-loch-highland-pkwy.com
This is a cool idea (unlike Brian's scary The Hoff's Growing Johnson link). I'd also like to announce my new site http://www.WRXPerimeter.com for all those lunch meets around the perimeter. Just click my link.
www.perduevision.com works, but WRX site: http://www.perudevision.com/wrx/index is where I am getting the error.
I would imagine that if there is really interest in this, Alex would be happy to give you a sub-forum on here... that would keep people more together. Siegel
RideCUDA (10:58:49 AM): wrxAlpharetta.com RideCUDA (10:58:53 AM): WrxGT.com RideCUDA (10:59:01 AM): wrxSTIonly.com RideCUDA (10:59:07 AM): wrxDuluth.com RideCUDA (10:59:11 AM): wrxForsyth.com bptiger74 (10:59:14 AM): lol bptiger74 (10:59:04 AM): wrxIHateKeith.com bptiger74 (10:59:29 AM): wrxWhoreATL.com bptiger74 (10:59:14 AM): yeah lol RideCUDA (10:59:34 AM): lol bptiger74 (10:69:69 AM) I suck Balls
bptiger74 (10:58:49 AM): Gosh I hate that clay guy RideCUDA (10:58:53 AM): Why man? bptiger74 (10:59:01 AM): His blad head makes me so hot.. RideCUDA (10:59:07 AM): Dood you drunk? RideCUDA (10:59:11 AM): I think you and clay should talk. bptiger74 (10:59:14 AM): Hell know, he doesnt need to know how i feel. RideCUDA (10:59:04 AM): Ok to much info for me boss. i am outta here bptiger74 (10:59:29 AM): Should I talk to clay and let him know my feelings? you might be right. bptiger74 (10:59:14 AM): I need stinger
keith....kick to the balls....coming very soon p.s. - stop making up IM conversations...we all know no one wants to talk to you
Ooooh, With extra hyphens!! But seriously. Either broaden the topic and/or region. I thought that picking a model name was too limiting anyways and doesn't have staying power over time. As soon as the WRX gets a new name the site is dated, (althouh it's been around for a while) and there are Legacy, Impreza and Baja people on here too. I think that something with *boxer*atlanta* would be a good name for a local Subaru site like wrxatlanta.com.
I wonder what line keith added to post #30... heres a hint...the time is unpossible oh, and keith...did it really take you 3 times of editing that post to finally do it right?
if you are gona choose a model name/gwinnett it should be like...civic, 350z, s10, for150, or maybe a scottslawntruckgwinnett.com AKA that's basically what i see ALL the time in gwinnett but dont believe there are enough wrx's in gwinnett..hell i dont even drive a WRX but I live in Gwinnett..where do i go =(? lol... anyways just my immature .02
Not sure about all that. What I do know is that Gwinnett is one of the biggest and fastest growing counties in the south east and every time I try to find meets or rides, they are all south of Atlanta, in Atlanta or up toward Kennesaw. I work full time for the AJC and run my ad agency part time. I just thought it would be cool to have a site designated to the North Atlanta folk. It’s been up 3 days and I have 13 members. Not a big deal to me, just trying to establish a network for this side of town. Not trying to stir up any drama or step on any toes. If it does not pan out, I will sell the site to new car club in need. Cool thing is, you can post what you want when you want and however you want. I don’t have any permissions setup because I hate it when I get that on other sites. I am also holding a contest for a free professional photo shoot for the 50th member that signs up. I am not an amateur either. I have 8 years experience and have been shooting for Skirt Magazine since November of last year and specialize in night photography. Got a BFA degree and tutored it in college. It’s my passion and I love doing it. Plus I got the jam up equipment. You can check out my own car. This is basically what the 50th member will receive. http://www.perduevision.com/wrx Here is a sample of my night photography. Does this answer your questions? Be honest with me because I don’t want people getting the wrong idea here. I love my car and am so excited about it; I am doing all I can to get in the middle of it. Just so happens, web design, photography, graphic design and print are my trade.