No offense but wrxatlanta has been around for a long time; if it became as big and impersonal as nasioc I can see the need for a smaller forum. However wrxatlanta isn't big and impersonal and trying to start up a new forum that is kinda redundant and seems alittle silly. How about I start a forum for people that live off the same exit as I do in Cobb? We are all a community here.... why not start a subforum for gwinnett? It seems like you almost trying to take some thunder from wrxatlanta!
Alright - first of all - kudos for trying. Secondly; again, I think setting up a sub-forum would be better; or at least start posting about regular get togethers in Gwinnett. Start setting up lunches, dinners, Jillian's nights, whathaveyou... I think you'll have a lot more success doing things that way - than making a community exclusive to Gwinnett. Here, you'll have people like myself and several others that don't mind goin to Gwinnett to have some meets, etc. I go to the Sonic meets up off RIverside pretty frequently and am definitely open to anything else - since I am from Gwinnett. Third - Your photography is awesome. However, I'm not going to lie. The reason why I haven't signed up, and won't yet, is because if I'm going to become a member, offering an incentive to the 50th person, when we can watch the signup # increase, just makes me wait till #49 signs up! Haha - call me greedy or whatnot - but i figure I've got WRXAtl till you get 49 members; and if I miss it - well - I'm not any worse off than I started. Primiarily though - start setting up events on here in Gwinnett to hang out or whatever - there are plenty of people that would be willing to give it a shot... Chances are pretty good that someone in Atlanta metro area (including Gwinnett) are going to hear about WRXAtl first and are going to be lazy like me and prefer only 1 forum to browse, post, etc. I very rarely ever go to NASIOC or IA because it's too much of a hassle to get involved in anything because I only frequent this board. I spend enough time on WRXAtl - no need to double or triple (those forums are much larger) my time spent on BBS... I wish you the best of luck tho - be sure to at least keep us posted on any events you wanna do out in Gwinnett!
I was just merely stating my opinion... it's up to you to be offended or not. I tried to state it the least non-drama offensive way. Personally I don't think you have to take that attitude with me just because you don't agree. That's the kind stuff that happens at IA and FYI I don't even read IA. I've been on this forum for three years and I just don't like the idea of "another" wrx forum for atlanta. However Mr Purdue is free to do whatever he wants. Also I find the swearing really not cool, we are all friends here. edit: flaming would involve elite haxor speak and noob!
Hasselhoff says "Be nice!" Everyone be happy! Also, beware of counterfeit hasselhoff!@!!
No offense taken. You’re right when you say that WRXatlanta is big and impersonal. Hugeantic would be a better word. It would take me a year to read through all the posts. Taking thunder from WRXatlanta is not going to be possible because everyone knows when it comes down to finding that intricate answer to your question; WRXatlanta is going to have it. WRXgwinnett is just for those local to the area. Since I started it, I have been to 2 meets in the last two days that are local to Gwinnett. I am not opposed to having a page on wrxatlanta. My only concern is that it would get lost amongst the million other things going on with this site. Its great when your looking for anything WRX, but when it comes down to finding events, meets and rides local to Gwinnett, you need local people to post what’s happening. I personally have not found this to be the case with WRXatlanta. By al means, if I am wrong, please show me where I can find events north of Atlanta and I am not referring to 400 North, the Commerce Drag Strip or Atlanta Motor Speedway. I see several Subaru WRX’s rolling I-85 north. I would assume just by having SOG that there would be a large demographic for this site. Seriously though, I am really not trying to start beef. I just want to generate a group for gwinnett. WRXatlanta is going to stand flawless regarless.
I agree with you for the most part Mere, but my main point in this issue is the fact that he is posting it up on someone else's WRX site. that, to me, is kind of a shady thing to do, trying to "steal" members away from this site. Other than that, good luck with wrxgwinnett...have fun sinking a ton of money into it for no reward.
Uhh she said it was NOT big and impersonal...and it's really not... We're all extremely personable...except today apparently...we all seem pretty bitchy! Where's hasslehoff when you need him? (god I never thought I'd say that)
O by the way, all this Hoff talk reminded me to hit you guys with this one.
No, Meredith said that WRXAtlanta is NOT huge and impersonal. Most of the members know each other and have hung out together at some point. If you were so concerned about having trouble with meets up there, why didnt you try to post up a meet, or a cruise, or whatever before just starting your own site. Also, the Gwinnett/Atlanta people meet up quite regularly in that area...BP at Pleasant Hill(?) if I remember correctly.
Indeed This one is a bit strange... Anyway, back on topic. I think that if you are really interested in creating a Gwinnett community, talk to Alex and see if you can have a subforum. As far as a separate forum, I think that for many, the unintentional side effect is the people will either view you as trying to steal people from this site, or excluding people for not living in Gwinnett. Personally, I don't care, but don't like the site name, as I tend to misspell Gwinnett. cheers, :beer:
By the way, I didn’t mean to say that the people on here are impersonal. I took off the wrxgwinnett signature as not to encroach. I will talk to Alex about it. I just wanted to be a bit more involved then that. Anyone want to buy a forum site, LOL? Seriously though, this is a really good database driven forum site and could be great for a start up car club or something. I would hate to trash it. I can move it to any domain and host it for the first year free.
ROFLMFAO! Here you go guys - this will redeem everyone for the Hasslehoff...hassle! LOL
uuuh... Why would you do this? I'm OTP myself and have no problem driving my car to meet people. It gives me an excuse to drive it. Have you ever been to one of our meets? WRXAtl is a small group of NICE people. For the most part everyone here is helpful and cool. Plus, there are a ton of people out that way that are regularly meeting up through this site. Just make an "Official Gwinnette First Monday of the Month" thread in the GTG section. There are a lot of members here that live up that way. That's just my opinion, but you can do whatever you want. You're welcome to join us at any of our events! :wavey:
You could ask Alex if you could be the moderator for a Gwinnett subforum on here. If you want to be more involved, just post up about more meets on here. Granted, I've been on here a while, and Subaru's are my job, but I personally know and have hung out with 90% of the people that do 90% of the posting. I would consider this a sizeable, but tight-nit (SP?) community. I have to agree that I don't think we need "another site." I like being able to tell ANYBODY in the whole southeast (of the country) to post on wrxatlanta... Alex is good about finding places for people to help. If you really want to be involved, I bet he can find plenty for you to do here Siegel
I appreciate all the feedback. It completely defeats the purpose if the site is only going to upset people. I spoke with Alex and he is going to put up a sub forum. If it does not get a response, it will be pulled down in a month. I believe that is what he said. Hey Siegel, where in Atlanta are you located? Do you ever instruct at Atlanta Motor Speedway? I would be interested in getting a professional perspective on my driving. Also for anyone interested, I have an STI exhaust I am trying to sell. Make me an offer, its just sitting in my garage.
Batlground is in Smyrna. I run the Siegel RacingDriver Education Clinic's at Talladega Gran Prix. AMS doesn't use their road-course very often. I've got another SRDEC on Friday October 12th... Siegel
Hey Scott, I just realized I talked to you on the phone yesterday about getting my car tuned. I am trying to upgrade the IC before I do as well as anything else that will give me the most return on your tuning. I am not trying to do too much because I paid $3000 for an extended warrantee, that I am trying not to void. 100000 miles 5 year power train! This thing is covered from dents, dings, roadhazard and cracks in the windshield. Turns out you were right, its not an STI downpipe. Will confirmed it as Invidia 3 inch catless downpipe. I do not know why I was told it was an STI. Here is what I have: • APS cold air intake • Prodrive catback exhaust • Invidia 3 inch catless downpipe Here is a photo of the engine compartment. My car smokes when idling really bad and I am hoping that the tuning will fix this. Plus it smells bad. I am fairly sure it’s running rich. Do you think I can get a moderate tune at SOG to give me some time between now and you tuning it? I am getting like 16 mpg. I need some time to get the rest of my mods done. Let me know what you think. P.S. I had called/emailed and voice-mailed Doug at Top Speed several times over the past month. I could never get him to return my calls or anything. I even left messages with the receptionist about it. I already had a set appointment and but he would not call me back. I had several questions I needed answered before the tune. I do not do business with companies like that because its bad business. I also own and run a business on top of working full time as a designer for the AJC. I am an extreemely busy person and still can return my clients calls same day. If I did not call my clients back, I would be out of business. That being said, I appreciate your timely returned phone call, as you will be the one to get my future business and referrals because of it.
For TopSpeed, talk to the secretary to make an appointment, or just to to Batlground and talk to their secretary to have SS tune your car... also, you should cash out your extended warranty, as you already voided it (it should be prorated and you should get most of it back)
If your car smokes when idling "really bad" you should have that taken care of by warranty BEFORE tuning... That CAI should NOT be making it smoke at idle. The APS's are a little rich over 5k rpm, but not at idle. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call. There should be someone answering the phone at BG anytime 10-7, M-F, (other than a short lunch break). If you do get the machine here, it's usually because we're on the phone with another customer or vendor. We do our best to check messages immediately when we get off the phone. Thanks, Siegel
Its all good. I am going to drop it off with SOG one more time before I tune it. SOG told me that the only thing that would void the warrantee is a ECU tune which would only be in the case of a blown motor because SOA would come out and inspect. Everthing else is good to go. They have been covering everything with the mods. The entire reason I bought the car was because they were sales pitching their performance mods covered by warrantee and being the only dealership that does that. Who knows. What do you think could be making it do that. Everyone at SOG said it was new and needed to be tuned that thats just how it is. I get a different story from everyone I talk to.
There are really only two things that generally make smoke: 1) oil 2) fuel If it's WAY RICH it will make grey/black or black smoke. At 14.7:1 there should not be any fuel induced smoke. If the car can't make it be 14.7:1 it will throw a "system too rich" CEL. If it's not throwing a rich code, it's 14.7:1. At 14.7:1 it shouldn't be making fuel smoke. If it's oil smoke it's most likely PCV. If it's not that, then it's time to take it to wherever it's warranted and say "It's under warranty, fix it." Siegel
A F R = Air fuel ratio 14.7 AFR = 14.7 Air to 1.0 fuel hence 14.7 AFR google is friend
I dropped it off this morning and it was not smoking. I remebered that the A/C was off and that usually is on when its smoking so when I turned it on, sure enough, that extra pull on the motor at idol caused it to start puffing it out. Neil at SOG looked at it and identified it as a very rich catless issue. Its smells like an old muscle car. If this issue needs to be tuned in order to resolve, could I get an access port so that in the cituation that anything happens to the mechanics, I can take it out and the ECU will go back to factory settings? Any thoughts/ideas?