Well I'm going to be installing my coilovers on Saturday and it would be much quicker with some powered tools. So if anyone in the sandy springs/buckhead/not too far area has anything electric I can borrow it would be much appreciated. I could give you some cash as a refundable deposit to insure I won't nick or break it. Or I could go and buy one alternatively but the cheap $50 one at pepboys looks shitty quality.
I feel your pain guys, I've done my springs(twice) in the last couple weeks... Would've been about 4x faster with an impact wrench... all factory bolts are torqued by 800lb Japanese gorillas....
I went with Megans following the masses of good reviews and Kevin's joy. My last hybrid setup, agx's, gc coils, and tein/grp n mounts just didn't work out as I had planned. The camber plates weren't compatible and on every single bump in the road they made an awful knocking noise. Now if I just went and bought some grp n front strut mounts things would have worked hunky dorey... but I wanted caster and negative camber. Something with plates offer more of than bolts (bleh). So I'm selling the old setup either seperately, or as a combo, agx, gc coils and rear group n strut mounts. It's all off the car, only been used for a few hundred miles but the knocking was pissing me off and making driving hell. The only other camber plate option I had were the RCE ones which cost about $400+ So I thought to myself, just buy some nice straight forward well reviewed coilovers and get out of the money while I still can. Got the coilovers installed at this point, no knocking and one hell of an awesome ride. And Casey, there's no rubbing at all but I haven't pushed it really far yet, I'm missing a wheel stud and an alignment! Just one hell of a mean ass drop! 17 inch OZ's and no wheel gap rock! I'll get some pictures up for y'all later, hope to find a nice parking deck or something scenic for some pictures tonight. And Will I made an appointment for Monday at 8am on the journey back to uga. I hope you're working then otherwise I'll rearrange, also this time can I watch? Oh yes, one last thing, Will, I made sure I switched the camber plates for caster purposes, was thinking of you haha!
Yeah....when you make a change you need to get it aligned...otherwise your tires wear faster and you get inconsistencies with handling.
awesome....I'm torn between the meggan's and the BC Racing coilovers....100 difference between the 2. soooo torn
Well I went for the Megan's, lots of great reviews and asides from the colour I couldn't see any reason to pick the BC's instead. Here are some awful quality pictures me and C just tried taking: I'll be at the install day if you wanna have at look at them. Should also make it to the varsity for the first time too. And here's one for Casey.