Yeah, so believe it or not I got a ticket at Georgia Tech. Who would have thought?!? :fawk: I have gotten many such a ticket here in the past. But two things have changed: 1) I am no longer a student. 2) They do not have my new car in their system (i.e. no parking pass) Sooooo I don't really want to pay the ticket. All I did was park on 4th St. at 9pm in front of Phi Tau, and they charge me $50!!! I think that is bullshit, even if I don't have a Tech parking pass. I know tickets from real municipalities stay on your record, but what about from old Ma Tech? Can I just snub this one?
don't pay. If your car is NOT registered in GA Tech system, you will be fine. Tickets are only applicable to student who registered their vehicle. If there is outstanding ticket on your vehicle, you can't register for classes.
I got one, and didn't pay. I figured I was safe since I switched my tag from FL to GA a few weeks after I got the ticket. :naughty:
So I hear you get a boot if you get too many tickets? About how many tickets do you get until you get a boot?
I think it is 3 unpaid tickets. I know it is only a small fuck you back to Tech after many shafts, but I think this is $50 GT parking is never going to see...
I had a friend that was visiting get a ticket. They ended up running his plates and sending a letter to his house in Augusta. I don't know if they could have made him pay it (he ended up paying), I'm just saying they do know where you live hnoes:
wow, never heard of that one before. My sti is not registered in the Tech system so I thought I was safe. Unfortunately, I do have a parking permit.
you are wrong Andy... :fawk: I got a bill for $150 for like 3 tickets with late charges that was mailed to me. and NO my car is not registered in GA Tech system... one of the ticket was with a rental car too. Just pay for it and forget about it... better than taking chances of paying double amount later with late charges
I've got a feeling it'll find it's way back 'round to your ass after a few years. Just saying. Bear in mind that the GT police, who issue some of these, are Fulton County police officers. Just watchin out for my bro.
I've also heard cases of people never geting contacted about a ticket...maybe sometimes they're just feeling ambitious? I think the parking department and the GTPD might be different entities. I know it's not the GTPD that actually issue the tickets, but the guys (f*ckers) that drive the white Parking department trucks. Maybe they turn it over to the GTPD though if it goes unpaid :dunno
lol i meant overnight parking. If I park in the visitors parking lot then its like $8-$10 for a night. And i go there pretty often. haha off topic but: what have you been up to lately? havent talked to you in a long time!
It's not really a guaranteed thing, but generally you'll be safe from tickets in any of the non residential lots from 5pm-8am (any lot that is just E/W and a number, not ER/WR). I'm pretty sure that they can still ticket you, but from my experience they generally don't patrol those lots at night. The only problem is that a lot of them are gated and it's usually a crap shoot as to whether the gate is going to be open or not. What part of campus are you usually on overnight? I can give you my opinion on where I'd park
I've been good... busy with school as I'm pushing my limits to graduate next semester haha Give me a call sometime buddy~
My girlfriend's car wasn't registered in GA Tech's system. They have made a deal with the GA DMV and they tracked her down and mailed her a $140 ticket. You should go ahead and pay it, otherwise they will catch up to you and you'll have to pay it eventually. Craig
Park in Peter's Parking Deck on East Campus. That is open for free parking from 5PM-7AM M-F, and it's open all weekend. Except for Football Game Days (they start towing at 7 am even if you have a permit for that parking lot ) Craig
There used to be a loop hole I knew about back during my Freshman year. That was a while back (98) so it might have changed. If your car isn't registered with GA Tech with a permit, you could be considered as a visitor and have the ticket waived one time. All you had to do was write VISITOR on the ticket and turn it in to the parking office. Second violation onwards, you would have to pay. You might want to check and see if that is still applicable.
Usually I park on westside by caldwell. But i'm also over at North Ave a lot. There's this neighborhood like 100ft away from north ave so i think i can park there but i dont know where to park for westside.
Yeah, for North Ave you'd be fine parking up on any of the streets across the street from the apartments. West campus is tricky. There aren't any really close spots. If I were you I'd park on the street behind the CRC, On the street the student center is on (Ferst maybe?), in the student center garage (its open like 30% of the time at night), or in the lot across the street from the lot behind Howey (right next to the new building that's going up). None of these are really close, but they're probably your safest bet, no guarantees of course. I usually park in either the student center garage of the student center street when I go to work out at night and have never gotten a ticket (but then again it's not overnight). If you're feeling risky, you can park in the little lot behind the couch building, but even though it's not a WR lot I believe they still check it from time to time though. Eh, haha, this probably isn't telling you anything you already didn't know. I haven't figured out a foolproof area for west campus yet
yeah i got a ticket there last night, $50 for i guess non-registered car and all that crap. I think i am going to appeal it and say that i was a first time visitor or something along those lines. i just dont want it to haunt me in a few months.