Can it wait until the weekend? BTW, if you want to do your own oil change in the future, get the FUMOTO valve, makes it much easier. Get model F-105 I think I founds mine at
2x4's? for what? please dont tell me to drive up on. Do it right. Get a Socket set and invest in some ramps.
heres what I use: 12mm socket for plastic shield bolts flathead screwdriver to pop stupid plastic snap things on shield 17mm for drain plug oil filter wrench funnel ramps OEM subaru oil filter OEm crush washer for drain plug 5 qt jug of synthetic oil pretty self explanatory...
i dont trust does plastic ramps - just didnt get the warm feeling so for $15 get 6 pieces pressure treated lumber cut from a 8ft length (1ft wide) and made my own ramps and a box 0f wood screws
Relax, folks. The ramps are the easy part. caseyfoster, I hear where you're at. I always have to think about the order of stuff, getting the right parts in place, having a filter wrench (do I have one that fits the filter on my car?), what's the oil gonna drain into, where will I put it when I'm done, having a mess of rags to mop up the mess I make, and so on. I don't think that I have much help in the short term (you're in Sandy Springs and I'm in Dacula). So, "I feel your pain" doesn't help much. But I feel your pain. DD
I agree.... I don't feel particularly safe under plastic ramps myself. I'm a fan of jack-stands and wood ramps. You don't really need an oil filter. You should be able to twist the filter off with your hand. Drain the oil into a catch can and then take that catch can to Autozone/Advanced and recycle it in their dump tank. If you spill any oil, use some kitty liter to soak it up and be done. Otherwise, if you want to drive up to Cumming tomorrow night, you can do the oil change here.
sometimes the filter is a PITA to get off especially if it was installed from factory or oil change place where they overtighten it. if in that situation use a rope and wrap around the filter to get some grip or worst case a screwdriver through it (messy)
hmmm, I find it impossible to remove the filter by hand when its properly torqued down (screw in filter by hand until it stops, then one full turn from that point). Maybe I'm just weak or you guys are incredibly strong, lol. Also, I find it impossible to change the oil with the plastic under tray shield thing on, how do you do this youngdz?
I'm not a 100%, but I don't think its a full rotation after hand tight... I just make it as tight as I can with my hand (usually a 1/4 to a 1/2 turn) past where it first stops. Never had an issue and you can remove it on the next oil change by hand as well. Also, +1 for the Fumoto valve..
Yeah, it should only be 1/4 to 1/2 turn after it stops. YoungDZ has an '02 which has an almost non-existant undertray, so he doesn't need to remove his.
If you need help, I am changing oil on my gfs car and possibly mine this Saturday as well. All you will need to bring is oil, filter and new crush ring. I have all the necessary tools plus a few. Classic Subaru actually has good prices for that stuff and it should be close to you.
whoa..... I don't see anyone saying anything about anyone being wrong. I do know that there's no way I'd tighten my filter down 1 full rotation after it makes contact.
depends when you start your full turn some filters have a thick oring/seal and a full turn its about 1.5 mm thats a lot of compression on an oring/seal. personally i never pay attention to how many turns just snug it upby hand and you should be able to remove it by hand. If you use tools then you will overtighten it an will need tools to remove it
ahh Im just feelings hurt here. Its just that I'm getting my info straight out of the owners manual...if thats not correct info then I dont know what is. I start the full turn just as the manual states, right when the seal makes contact (basically right when it stops turning when you are lightly hand screwing it on). Edit: I dont have a broad knowledge of oil filters so I'll just say that I always use the OEM one, so its not an issue
another note, I notice in my scan of the manual that is shows 4.2 qt as the oil capacity...I remember reading 4.8 qts on nasioc. I distinctly remember unabomber saying that he just pours in all 5 qts because the extra .2 qt doesnt matter. Is 4.2 correct as the manual says? Is 4.8 for the STI? Am i smoking crack?