For being able to look at your own car in motion. When I'm driving I'm always wishing that I could be able to see me driving and looking sexy as hell. Anyone else?
haha I thought I was the only one that does that. I try to sneak a peek when I'm passing by the buildings in Atlanta.
Whenever I'm driving down Mt Paran and having some fun I always think how lucky people in the other lane are to see my car flying.
I do it vision use to have the best car reflection angle....they had that mirror on the top and it was all sorts of cool..I think it was vision atleast...
When ever I go to work I drive in front of the other stores. One eye one the windows the other looking for pedestrians. Oh and yesterday I had my GF drive while I followed in her car I told her "I just want to see how your car is running" but it was just to look at my hottness! :naughty:
i like it when you can see your car in the 18-wheeler's center caps... its a cool fish-eye point of view.
this one time I drove past a semi with like polished aluminum siding and i had to take a couple of pics
i was up next to a chrome tanker truck today and stayed with it for a while. the driver probably thought i was an idiot the way i kept looking over...haha
I was in Dunwoody the other day at a stop sign and a little kid on a bike with his dad saw me, and said "Dad look at the matchbox car" I felt pretty cool for a second, kids seem to love the car. Oh and I like drive down Piedmont and look at my reflection in the buildings.
I like checking out my cars reflections. I also like hearing people explain to the other passengers in their car that it's a rally car, badass, and turbo and awd all while sitting at a light and loud enough for me to hear!
I still get the "Oh its a Saabaru" or "What kinda car is that" every know and again. But I still enjoy the "nice car" comments!!