That was me! I was getting my tag renewed. I saw you pull out from my right on dresden Thanks for the thumbs up. Did you see me flash my hazards? BTW, it was UGM. Black rota boosts Cheers!
sweet! Yeah I guess I need to read up on CGM vs. UGM, haha. I did see the hazards. I live back in that area and work on Clairmont so thats my stompin grounds. whereabouts do you live? I'd love to see the limited in person sometime, maybe even ride in it ; )
I'm off 85 and shallowford for we're practically neighbors. I work in tucker. Perhaps we could do a short meet at that coffee shop off shallowford?
I'm down for that...I know there is a handful of members in the ATL/North ATL area...we should plan an ATL meet. I've been thinking about having a meet at my condo for a while but never followed through. My place is perfect as I have a lot of parking and its a perfect place for a gtg (full kegerator, large rooftop patio, wii, xbox360 w/ wheel, etc. I also would like to play w/ my new canon s5 and perhaps organize a lil meet n' greet w/ a small attempted 'photoshoot', lol. Let me know and I can make a thread if there would be interest
haha, well, brace yourself...Miller Lite. We almost got Sweetwater 420 or Sam Adamns Octoberfest, but decided that light beer is the best choice for beer pong & flip cup. If this g2g goes down I will pick up something that the majority likes...donations appreciated that would be sweet...only problem is im not sure where the best place to project would be. There is a nice flat spot on the roof that might work. We have a big Samsung DLP in the living room...It would rule to watch a movie on the roof though. keep coming w/ ideas
You could live in Alabama and that is still a valid question to ask. I'd commute for free beer Edit:not that you live in alabama, but i'm still saying. You can get an engine swapped out on this board if you pay in 12 packs
Anyone nearby want to help me work on my car? I'll be going to TGP this sunday for the club wars thing. Heres my todo list: 1) install front sway bar 2) install race pads xp12/xp10 3) bleed brakes 4) change oil I'll probably be digging through some DIY FAQ's unless I can find a shop thats free.
An atlanta meet would be amazing. Driving out to RIverside for the sonic one is gas and time intensive, and the Varsity is mostly rice-a-riffic. I'm so down.
I'm down to lend a hand, however the only DIY I have experience with is oil, springs, TBE, headunit, snorkus delete, and K&N filter:hsugh: Also I use the jacks, ramps and tools at my pops home in Suwanee when I need to. I have a garage in ATL and tools but no ramps or jacks/jackstands.
I've got all the tools to do it except for the brake bleed. I'll probably need help with that since I haven't done it before and also the FSB. Pads and oil are easy
Im down to help with the brake bleed and the FSB...I will do both in the future so It will be good experience. Plus if I help you now then I can guilt-trip you into helping me when the time comes, haha
oh damn you're doing it today/tonight !? I'm working till 7 then I have a hot date:naughty: I like wrenching on Saturdays & Sundays, personally.
FSB is in! I'm changing the oil now but I misplaced my crush washer for the drain plug!!! Does anyone have a spare???
good to hear you got the FSB in...I had an extremely late night and couldnt get a ride to my car (left downtown) until the late afternoon...I am trying to recover, haha.